Sorry to my few followers that it's been so long since I've blogged! Chloe is still only sleeping in 1.5 hour spurts at night and I'm exhausted. Blogging has been the last thing on my mind lately.
But we've been a busy bunch. Chloe turned 7 months old yesterday! She's still tiny, just a little over 13lbs but she's tall! She rolls everywhere and is very good at it. She likes to try and get to the cat and dog. They have no interest in her and run away. She's still not sitting up on her own. Not because she can't necessarily, but because when she does she sees something that she wants and dives for it. Silly girl. If she would just hold still for a few minutes I'm sure we would have sitting up perfected.
I guess I'm becoming somewhat of a "crunchy" mom as some people label it. I've been making her baby food myself from organic vegetables. So far she loves butternut squash the most. She also eats carrots and green beans. She still hates any kind of baby cereal but will sometimes tolerate some oatmeal with apple purée mixed in.
I also started cloth diapering a month ago. I am loving it! I really wish I had started when she was born. It's so much easier than I ever would have imagined. I primarily use gDiapers with gCloth inserts, but I also have some bumGenius pockets and AIO's as well as a Fuzzibunz pocket diaper. The gDiapers are by far my favorite. They fit Chloe so well and I love the gCloth. I plan on doing some reviews here and on YouTube of my experience with the different diapers.
More posts to come soon, I promise! And pictures too!