Monday, May 9, 2011


This is a quick rant. Sometimes I want to put a shirt on Chloe that says the following:

  • I'm _ months old.
  • Yes, I'm little.
  • No, I was not a premie.
  • Yes, my mommy feeds me.
  • No, I would not like to eat (insert non-age appropriate food here).

    I'm so sick of people asking me these questions. I'm not starving my baby. I realize that she's small, but that's just how she is. I was a small baby as well. She's hitting her milestones, maybe not as fast as some other babies her age, but she's not delayed either. I'm just so frustrated. People make me feel like I'm a bad mom, but she's happy and healthy and I know I'm doing things right for her.

    End Rant.

    1. Don't sweat it - our baby is tall and we live in Hong Kong so compared with the local babies he is HUGE! I swear the other mothers at the park think Luke is 18 months old not 9 and that I am just deluded about how delayed he is! Their walking/talking toddlers are shorter than he is!!

    2. i know how you feel. I am always doing *soooomething* wrong. "stiiiiill breastfeeding him?!" "Stiiiiiill sleeps in your bed?"
      mine will be 9 months on the 27th and he just now rolled back to tummy (he HATES being on his tummy so he obviously avoided it at all cost) i am not worried though because he is crawling (sliding on one leg while using the other to push off... looks like a crab walk!) he has a hand sign for me to pick him up, he developed an awesome routine after months of hell and he seems more advanced in his head than what his little body will allow him to do.
      don't take things to hard momma :)

    3. I was so glad to see your post on BabyCenter about your baby's size. Our baby girl is so similar. We haven't gone for our 9 month appointment yet, but I know she's going to be tracking about the same - not even 5% on the weight chart. Our ped didn't seem at all concerned last time, which was great. Our sweetheart is happy and healthy too. She has always been incredibly alert and aware, and she seems to learn something new and fun every day. I wish I didn't know anything about growth charts!

    4. Mine is a little peanut is well. I feel like I am shoveling food in her all the time as well. She is happy and has tons of energy, hits her milestones but babies younger than her are much smaller. We are from the same board so she is the same age as yours and is about 17 lbs.. hoping closer to 18 but probably not. I believe about the 3% on the weight chart but very very tall.
