Monday, December 13, 2010

Why must you open your mouth?

It's been snowing here since last week Sunday. I know it does this every winter, and usually I'll complain a little and then move on. It's not such a big deal. But with a four month old it's definitely a big deal. There's no more throwing on a warm coat and a scarf and running out the door 10 minutes before you need to be somewhere. Everything takes planning, which starts hours before you need to be there. I know she nurses every two to three hours during the day. So the prime time to leave is right after a nursing. During the fall I could just pop her right in her car seat and go. Now, not so much. I need to bundle her up, bundle myself up, get the car warm, brush off the snow, stop her from crying because she's bored sitting still, etc. etc. etc. I have no idea how people with more than one child do this, and those with twins ... they're amazing. I'd be a hermit.

Today is actually quite warm compared to the last week. It's about 32 out, a little snowy this early afternoon but the wind calmed down so we ventured out to get some Christmas shopping done. I hate when you see something a few months before Christmas and think it will make a great Christmas present, but unable to purchase at the time you make a note to come back. I went to Kohl's today to get some things I had thought of for Christmas presents. Some were there, others not. Now I need a backup idea of what to get my little sister and two sister-in-laws for Christmas. Money is tight and I suck at making things, hopefully an idea will come to me. So on top of being frustrated at myself for procrastinating the Christmas gifts and not being able to get them, Chloe had a meltdown in the store. I always feel bad when that happens. She was just a little hot from being bundled and quickly calmed down once I unzipped her pram and gave her a paci, but I got some death glares from other shoppers. Get over it.

Our next stop was the grocery store. As I'm walking in this woman goes "Oh my goodness, you shouldn't have that baby out in this weather, poor little baby!". Oh give me a break. We live in the UP of Michigan. If I didn't go out in this weather I'd be stuck in my house from the end of October until May. Chloe was covered in the cozy cover, with a warm pram on, and a hat, no body parts exposed to the wind. It's not even cold yet! This woman just happened to be in the same area of the store as us throughout our trip and continued to make comments, "Don't forget food for the baby, it's easy to buy things for yourself." What the hell does that mean? She's a four month old exclusively breast fed child, I'm not buying her food yet. Get your nose out of my cart please.

Sorry for the long crabby post. I do need to look on the bright side today but I'm still trying to find it. When I get there I'll post again, or maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Chloe was up every two hours again last night and isn't napping well today. This has been going on for almost two weeks now and I'm exhausted. My house is a disaster. Somehow I will figure out how to balance the mother, wife, homemaker rolls and all will be happy. Until then Chloe will be taken care of, and the rest of things will have to wait.


  1. Ohhh yes...those "helpful comments" are suuuuuuure helpful aren't they? Ha ha...

    I am here to follow you back. Thanks so much for visiting and following me! :) Chloe is GORGEOUS!!!

  2. Ugh! That female person type really annoyed me... and I wasn't even there! You hit the nail on the head about getting out and about these days. There has been more than one occasion when I ended up not going at all because it took too long between finishing nursing and being ready to head out the door. Frustrating! Sleep training will be coming to our home before long (no, not CIO for all the training haters, lol), and that will make life easier.

    I wanted to suggest Uncommon Goods for gift ideas. No clue about your price range, but I think they have a good selection at all sorts of levels. (And then you won't run into annoying female person types.)

  3. Shan what sleep training method do you use? We're not CIO fans, but I'm definitely open to other options!
